Friday, November 20, 2009


I am here, but I am weary. There are lots of things running around my little mind, but I find I just don't have the energy to get them out and onto paper. I'm not sure what it is. I certainly haven't been over-doing things in the physical department. It is just a sort of "mind weariness."

I have been carrying the cure around with me - written out on an index card in a little spiral notebook. Matthew 11:28-30 were my very first memory verses for this year. I believe, without realizing it, I have been carrying burdens around which were never meant for my feeble shoulders. Whenever I have recited these verses, I have felt the tears starting. It is time to let the words do their heart-work; time to let Him carry the burdens.

It is one thing to bring the burdens to Him; it is quite another to leave them there and not pick them back up. It is even possible, I have found, to think you have not done that - but the heart knows better. It feels the weight and grows weary.

So once again I come, sit at His feet and lay it all down. I feel the stirring of joy, of hope. I find Him faithful - always faithful.
