Monday, February 22, 2010

Multitude Monday

I Thess. 5:18 "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

My heart fills with gratitude:

- Todd and Sarah safely home from Sri Lanka

- time of shared sorrows and joys - hearts joined in prayer - with my Bible Study group

- daily updates from Scott and Susan as they vacation in Colorado - precious family time for them

- encouraging words - tears of gratitude

- tiny wild flowers beginning to poke their dainty heads up through the ground

- life-changing truth

- a husband whose giving, compassionate heart just fills me with wonder

- great writing that builds up, brings a smile, convicts with truth (thank you friends).

- the gentle correction of the Spirit, molding and shaping

- a visit from a cousin and his son (the photographer) I haven't seen in fourteen years - we had such a wonderful visit catching up and remembering all the childhood adventures. Mom and Dad were so happy to see him.

Other gratitude posts are here - at Ann's
