We got one of those phone calls no one wants to get early this morning. My Mom had fallen in the bathroom while doing the simplest of things - putting on her slacks. My frantic Dad was on the other end of the line.
Forty-five minutes later, we met them in the ER. She had a fractured hip, and would have to have surgery to repair it. She is a real trooper and came through it all very well. After a few days in the hospital, she will be transferred to a rehab facility (probably the same one my Dad was in in October). In the meantime, we will have to keep Dad on his scheduled dialysis treatments and see that he is doing well.
We would so appreciate your prayers. These are not the plans any of us had for the next few weeks. In fact, Mom was getting ready to come visit us later in the day. However, we know that nothing comes to us that does not first pass through the hands of a Father who loves us with a deep, deep love and has good plans for us. We will rest in that.
I don't know how often I will be able to get on the computer, but I'll update as I can.