Several years ago we began attending our church's Saturday evening service. For this girl, brought up in a church where there were rather a lot of rules, it seemed somehow "wrong." After all, weren't we supposed to worship on the sabbath (which in my mind had always been Sunday)? I felt guilty taking my walk on Sunday mornings and watching the cars go by, filled with families heading to church. I secretly wished for a tee shirt that stated in no uncertain terms, "I Attend Saturday Evening Service!"
However, in time I got over it and have come to love the relaxed atmosphere of worship on a Saturday evening and the gift of a whole Sunday stretching out before me.
At first I thought it would be a good day to quietly do the things I have little time for during the week. Perhaps write a letter or two or a visit with my parents; do some reading or quietly work on handwork. The one thing that kept getting in the way of those good intentions was my laptop. A decision to "just check email" inevitably ended with so much time spent online there was little left to do those other things.
At one point I decided I just wouldn't turn the computer on on Sunday. It was, I'm ashamed to admit, difficult. I kept thinking about all the things I might be missing. I did it for a few weeks and then gradually worked my way right back to where I had been to begin with.
It has been an on-going struggle ever since I began blogging - this attempt to find balance. There is no question that the Lord has been speaking to me about the amount of time I spend here. That still, small voice has been working over-time on this stubborn heart. Then the other day I read this and knew I had to make a change.
I am joining Holley in observing Cyber Sabbath. I want you to hold me accountable! If you see me here on Sundays, you may give me a cyber-wrap on the knuckles. I must at least begin with this (I am embarrassed to think of the number of posts of written declaring that I would be spending less time blogging, all to no avail!).
I am sure this will simplify my Sabbath and relieve the guilt that comes with knowing I am not using the gift of time wisely.
Linking to Cheryl's Simplify post.

Blessings and a blessed sabbath,