Friday, August 19, 2011

Five Minute Friday - New

Time for Five Minute Friday again (my how quickly the days are flying by!).
This week's word is:


start:I heard the truck horn toot, looked out the kitchen window and saw the familiar bright yellow truck in the driveway. Mel, our mailman, was waiting with a package in his hands.

"Don't tell me you're moving!" I told him about the contract and the plans to move in the next few weeks. "I am going to miss you so much."

I will miss him too. He is a mailman extraordinaire - always going above and beyond. His familiar tuneless whistle has been a pleasant part of my morning for years.

It is funny - the way we long for something new and when the time comes, we look back at the old with a certain yearning. We have been waiting for this "new" for a very long time. It is here and suddenly the old becomes very precious - something to be treasured.

It is the same in my spiritual life. I long for the new, but when faced with stepping out of my comfort zone the old begins to look very appealing...


Please join me at Lisa-Jo's for Five Minute Friday.
