Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thank You

It is a song we've sung many times and every time it touches something deep inside me. We sang it last evening. It says everything I long to say to a Father who loves me so well.

Thank You For Loving Me by Tommy Walker

What love the Father has lavished on us
That we should be called His sons and daughters
Precious in His sight
Greater love this world had never seen
When He hung on that tree
O why would He do such a thing
For dirty sinners like you and me?

O God thank You for loving me
When on the cross You made history
Lord You died for me
Forever my praise will go to Thee
O God thank You for choosing me
To be Your child and bear Your name
O Jesus I will never cease to sing Your praise

Verse 2:
Your love is patient and humble and kind
It's greater than all my sin
It always protects and trusts and hopes
And will have no end
It's Your love that lifted me up from the depths
Set my feet on a solid rock
With a firm place to stand
Lord I always will trust in Your loving hand

How wide how long
How high how deep
How endless is Your love for me
How wide how long
How high how deep
How endless is Your love for me

I look back over the past few weeks and am overwhelmed at the grace and love the Father has poured into my life.

Thank You Lord for:

- answered prayer beyond anything we could have asked or thought

- the gift from Your heart through hers to mine

- the joy of spending time with friends I had only known through their words; for binding our hearts together in such a special way

- perfect weather - the relentless heat of summer releasing its grip

- for rain - good rains that begin to replenish this drought-parched land

- giving clear direction

- the beauty of your creation

- the peace found in quiet moments

- the written word

- shared laughter and tears

- caring about the "little" things that loom so large in my life

- going before us to make the way smooth

- encouragement

- good conversation with dear friends

- loving me

linking to Ann's and the Gratitude Community
