Friday is slowing dissolving into Saturday, but Lisa-Jo's word for this Five Minute Friday is one that makes my heart race. We have done battle this word and I:
start:I trusted You Lord - have trusted You all of my life. When I failed and acted as though I didn't know You, You drew me back with mercy and grace and a love I couldn't outrun. When I thought I could do quite well on my own, thank you very much, You waited patiently until I ran out of me.
I trusted You even when it sometimes seemed You didn't hear. I believed You would always do what is best for us - even when it didn't go my way.
When the worst day of my life loomed like a nightmare coming true, I lay with face to the floor and tears flowing into the carpet and believed You would make it all go away. You didn't and trust fell at my feet, and I couldn't even whisper Your name.
Anger and disappointment dogged my days. I decided it had all been for naught. How could this be good? Days dragged by - dark and heavy. You were silent - waiting, always waiting.
One day I looked into Your face and knew I had nowhere else to go. "Who have I in heaven but You?" I slowly walked back into Your outstretched arms and You wrapped me in such love. The nightmare didn't go away - it was simply wrapped in grace. And I put my trust in You.
Join us at Lisa-Jo's. So many have gathered to share words and hearts.