Friday, June 22, 2012
I Like Safe
"Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking."
Risk is not my favorite word. I like safe. I'm the Mom who got all upset when we had to wait until the tests came back on that blood draw on my little boy. I want to know NOW, and I want it to be all right. I haven't gotten much better over the years. I know better; it's just hard for this control freak to put it into practice.
The Lord has been whispering in my ear - rather persistently I might add. Every time I turn around I hear His voice. I even heard it in Lisa-Jo's blog post a few minutes ago. He is nudging me out on the edge and daring me to jump. I know He's standing there with strong, open arms to catch me, but I'm afraid of heights.
I question Him, even when I know very well He's been patient long enough. I remind Him that I'm sixty-five years old and there isn't time to waste on dreams that might not ever come true. Then I question Him some more, "Are You sure? Is that really You Lord or my own over active imagination?"
I think it's time to leap. It will mean risking things I hold rather dear - not important things mind you - just things that are important to me. It will mean investing lots of time and giving up things I like to do. It will mean being obedient and it will mean following a dream I've had for years and been too afraid to act on.
It may mean that nothing will come of it at all. But it's time to take the risk.