Friday, April 11, 2014

Paint - Five Minute Friday



I have only to look out my kitchen window to know the Lord as Artist. The splash of color across the sky as the sun sets, the bright red cardinal perched on the wire overhead, the trees filled with spring blooms in my neighbor's yard all attest to the wonder of His handiwork.

But there is one who is a cunning imitator. He would take the Artist's brush and create works of his own - right across the hearts of those who believe. In fancy script he paints words like failure, ugly, not enough, selfish, proud, and our eyes are turned inward. The accusing words blotting out the beauty of the Master Artist's work.

My Pastor tells us, when such words are painted large across the very walls of your heart it is then that you take a brush and dip it in the pot of paint purchased as great cost. With bold strokes of the blood shed for you, paint these letters right across your heart:


Cover the lies with truth of mercy and grace.


Joining the Five Minute Community at Lisa-Jo's today. By the way, her book is here. It is a treasure.

Five Minute Friday
