It's time, according to blogging "custom," to choose my word for the year. I've been giving it a lot of thought - both the custom and blogging. The ideas ricochet around my poor little brain. One day I believe I've decided to quietly unplug and the next I'm mentally composing a new post.
I realize the blogging world has changed and wonder where this little place belongs. Emily has written a wonderful post on this very subject. You might want to click over there and read it if you share my dilemma. She has encouraged me and helped me make sense of the things I've been struggling with.
As to the word for the year - I don't have one. Nothing.
However, the Lord has been speaking something into my heart for months now. If you've read my blog for a little while (thank you so much), you know I struggle with control. I like to have it - knowing all the while that I can't. It has been a long journey from tight-fisted clinging to letting go and trusting Him.
I sort of thought, with my own twisted form of logic, once I learned that lesson life would run smoothly. Not so. It's been a difficult year - filled with twists and turns I couldn't have anticipated.
It's a new year, but for me it was simply the turning of a page. We carried the old year into the new - still working through the circumstances. And the Lord stepped into it with us.
He didn't give me the word I looked for - instead He opened His arms and whispered, "Come."
Come and find - rest when you are weary body and soul
peace in the midst of any storm
grace when you feel you can't take one more step
love when you feel like you've failed yet again
This year He hasn't given me a word; He's given me a place. Himself.