Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Letter To God On Mom and Dad's 69th Anniversary
Dear Father,
On this day, 69 years ago, a young couple quietly took their vows. After years of waiting, through the hardships and nightmare of war, the long awaited day had arrived. They couldn't have known what the years would hold, but they stood on a foundation of love that had grown strong and sure.
In time they added to that foundation a love that, coupled with their own, saw them through the joys and inevitable heartbreak of life. Your love, Lord. And so they began a legacy of faith that has been handed down through three generations of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
We are rich, indeed, Lord. It is a precious inheritance. Some would say it's not much by earthly standards, but we know better. One has only to look at the grace, love and mercy You have poured out on us to know the priceless treasure it truly is.
We are not a perfect family. Not at all. There is the usual cast of characters with all of the flaws and failings known to mankind, but because of You we are still family. There is a cord that binds us that cannot be broken and a foundation under our feet that doesn't move - even when it all looks hopeless. And we have known and still know those times.
These days Mom and Dad make their home in a tiny apartment in a senior living facility. The transition has not been an easy one. So much has changed. But there is one constant, and it makes all the difference, Father. Their faith holds. Through all that comes with aging - the slow and steady waning of physical and mental strength - they still believe and hope and know. They have, in spite of earthly measure, only begun to live. They stand on the precipice of forever.
How thankful we are for them. For all the days they've loved us so well and for all the days to come. And how thankful we are for You, Lord. For the way Your light shines through them and for the ways, too numerous to count, You have blessed us.
With much love,