Thursday, October 8, 2015

Taking the Blame

I read a book, not too long ago, in which everyone's life had been deeply affected by a dark secret. It hovered over every relationship, an elusive shadow just out of reach. Years ago there had been a terrible accident, and an innocent person had taken the blame to protect a loved one.When the light of revelation finally broke through, everything changed.

I thought about it a lot. It isn't easy to take responsibility for the things we do wrong, but how much more difficult to bear the weight of guilt for someone else. Most of us want to be well thought of. I understand that only too well. I seem to have an on-going struggle with the need for approval. I try too hard to please everyone, not the least of whom is God.

Over time I have managed to get the truth of what I know about God from my head down to my heart - to believe that there is no need for all the striving. He loves me. Just that. He loves me. He looks at me through the prism of His Son and sees everything I long to be.

His Son, who took the blame for every wrong I have every done. My guilt for His innocence. My sin for His holiness. His life for mine. And if that weren't enough, He does it over and over again.

I don't make it very far into my day without sinning in some way - however big or small. But sin, as they say, is sin. So I talk to Him about it - confessing. Here I am, and there He is - and Jesus steps between us. Jesus - in His pure, holy garments of righteousness - and God sees me through Him. I come by way of the cross - once and then over and over again. Every single time He willingly takes the burden of guilt and gives me His righteousness. He is my Advocate, My Savior, My Love.

"He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." II Cor. 5:21
