Saturday, November 5, 2016

Encouraging Words For the Weekend

Life has a tendency to bring with its many joys and blessings a measure of sorrow and pain. It's our human bent to want to make some sense of it all. But often, the more difficult the circumstances the more elusive the purpose or meaning becomes. I have come to believe it is at just these times God's purposes are all the more miraculous - even when He chooses to hide them from view:

" During difficult times, your natural tendency is to rely heavily on your own understanding. However, your human understanding is not up to this task; it will fail you time and again.

You have every reason to be confident in Me…Because the world is in such a fallen condition, it may seem as if I'm not in control. I could end all suffering instantly…but I am waiting to bring many sons and daughters to Glory.

So take heart as you live in this broken world, believing that My eternal purposes are being worked out through your difficulties. Your troubles are part of My majestic Master Plan, and they are achieving an eternal Glory that far outweighs them all!"
Jesus Today   Sarah Young

"Our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."
  II Cor. 4:17

If you're walking through difficult circumstances, I pray these words will bring comfort and peace.
