“How silently, how silently the wondrous gift is give.”*
There is no question that He came, this wondrous gift. Reliable witnesses tell us Jesus lived on this earth over two thousand years ago.
For many years He lived an obscure life in the humble home of His earthly family. Scripture tells us He grew in grace and wisdom. He also learned to be a carpenter at the feet of His earthly father, Joseph. At the age of thirty, He put down His carpenter’s tools and began His ministry as an itinerant preacher – the work His heavenly Father had given Him to do. He gathered a group of young men around Him and traveled the dusty roads healing, teaching, performing miracles, raising the dead. Word of this carpenter’s son turned miracle-worker spread; crowds followed Him wherever He went.
All of that almost paled in comparison to the things He said. He declared that He was the Messiah – the Son of God. He had come to restore the relationship between God and man; to bring us the gift of eternal life. It didn’t sit well with the spiritual leaders of His day.
Three years into His ministry He was arrested on trumped up charges, tried and found guilty. They beat Him and hung Him on a cross between two thieves. His friends put His lifeless body in a borrowed tomb and mourned the loss of the One on whom they had hung all their hope...
I'm writing at Laced With Grace today. You'll find the rest of this devotional there.