Some days they graze in other fields, but on the days they gather near the road we daily travel, a certain peace settles over my heart. I think, perhaps, it's because images of a gentle Shepherd fill my mind.
In my imagination He watches over them, and they, knowing He is near, graze without fear. Should danger threaten, He will protect them. Should one fall, He will pick it up and carry it in His strong arms. If any stray, He searches until He finds them. As evening falls, He leads His little flock safely home. They know His voice and follow - trusting with their whole lives because He would give His very life for them.
The Lord likens us to these sheep. We have gone astray, and He came to find us; He gave His life for us; He leads us to peaceful places and gives us everything we need.
"Like a shepherd he tends his flock;
he gathers up the lambs with his arm;
he carries them close to his heart;
he leads the ewes along." Isaiah 40:11
he gathers up the lambs with his arm;
he carries them close to his heart;
he leads the ewes along." Isaiah 40:11