Monday, March 23, 2020

A Letter From Home

Dear Folks,

I hope this finds you all well. I meant to write yesterday but got a bit busy.  We had a FaceTime call with our daughter, son-in-law and three little ones in Paris. As you can imagine, it's quite busy in their home these days with three little ones under four. Their apartment seems much smaller with Papa working from home, no pre-school for big brother and the twins learning to walk. Most importantly, they are all well, and it was a delight to see their sweet faces.

We have found a new rhythm in these stay-at-home days. I admit, I'm enjoying the slower pace - long walks, phone calls from children and grandchildren, talks with my mom, who is confined to her Assisted Living facility, reading, knitting, and an occasional afternoon movie. I hope to tackle a few projects, do a bit of writing and even get back to my piano. We find ourselves in the "at risk" group - so we need to be very careful.

The sun has made an appearance this afternoon after so many cloudy, rainy, gloomy days. Steve mowed our five acres last week, but after all that good rain we can almost hear the grass growing. I think there may be a mowing day in his future. Everything looks lush and green - that fresh, new, spring green. The wild flowers are glorious. I don't think they got the word that life has taken a dramatic turn.

A sweet friend did a grocery pickup for us today. Our refrigerator was looking a bit bare. That is no longer the case. Everything is replenished, and we are so thankful for her kindness. It's really encouraging to see all the ways people are caring for each other. I have great hope that these difficult days will draw us closer together. I pray that is so.

I managed to break a tooth the other day. It's the one my wonderful dentist has already repaired twice. I knew I was in trouble the minute I crunched down on that carrot. I have tried to be so careful about chewing on that side, but it's my favored side and I forgot! So we will make a quick trip to the dentist tomorrow morning. Goodness!

Please know that we are praying for you. We pray God's protection and provision for you, for grace and strength (and a big dose of creativity) as you adjust to having the kids home full-time and all that entails, and for those who are struggling financially.

I'll write again soon.
With love,