The first chapters of scripture introduce us to the God of all creation. We don’t see a God who worked alone, but rather the unfathomable Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - creating from nothing everything that exists.
We weren’t created to be alone. We were created in His image, uniquely made to be in relationship with Him and with others.
The perfect fellowship God had with Adam and Eve was broken when they chose to disobey Him, but it didn’t change His desire to have a deeply personal relationship with each one of us. So He made a way of restoration, one that came at great cost.
It’s the greatest story ever told, and every word is true. Tragically, not everyone has heard the gospel message. They don’t know this Holy God who sent His Son to rescue them and give them the free gift of eternal life.
Someone must tell them. Someone must leave the comfort of familiar things and take the message. Those that hear the gentle whisper to go are no different from those of us who serve right where we are. They have a calling, and we have the opportunity to participate in that calling.
We weren’t created to be alone. We were meant to encourage, love and minister to the people God providentially places in our lives and the ones who are farther away. One calling is no less important than the other. Working together, doing what we were created to do, we come together in one complete whole.
“God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” I Peter 4:10
A short time ago we said good-by to two of the most precious souls I have ever met as they headed to a land most of us will never visit. They go in answer to His call. They need us to go with them - in the same way everyone called to do something for the Kingdom needs the support and encouragement from others.
“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” Romans 10:14