A time came when the circumstances of my life became a wall between the Lord and my heart. Sorrow, disappointment and even anger piled one on top of the other, rendering prayer impossible. My desperate prayers still hung somewhere between heaven and earth, and I had no more words.
To live separated from God is an empty existence, especially when it is a choice. One day I got down on my knees and asked Him how to pray. What could I say after such disappointment?
The answer came: "Praise."
I took up residence in the Psalms. Like a slow metamorphosis it came - peace.
We are living in overwhelming times. Images flash on screens and embed themselves in our hearts and minds. We long for answers and pray for peace and for His kingdom to come. Some days it's hard to pray.
I walked this morning - right in the middle of His beautiful, breathtaking creation - and I heard Him whisper it again: "Praise."
I praise You Lord:
- You are the One true God, and there is none beside You
- You are holy and righteous
- Your word is living and powerful and true
- You are the great Creator and You hold the world in Your hands
- You hung the stars in space and know each one by name
- Your hand spans the heavens
- You see every heart and know us by name
- Your plans and purposes are good
- You bend down low and hear each voice as though it was the only one
- You have won the victory over sin and death
- You are unchanging - the same yesterday, today and forever
- In You and through You we have everything we need
- You love us unconditionally with a love that cannot be measured
- You are our refuge and strength - our shelter in times of trouble
- Your are the sure foundation under our feet
- You have promised to never leave us or forsake us, and Your promises are true
(A repost from 2014)