Most evenings, in recent weeks, God writes across the heavens in bold, bright colors that are simply breathtaking. We rush outdoors to witness the panoramic display of rapidly changing hues - trying to capture it all with cameras that never seem to do it justice.
Sometimes, however, He sweeps across heaven with a gentle, quiet touch - pale pinks and grays hushing the air around us. No loud exclamations of glory - rather a sweet whisper to come away. Away from the noise that surrounds our every waking moment; away from the wild flurry of images on a screen; away from the relentless yearning for approval and recognition; away from the worry and fear buried just beneath the surface.
The Lord calls us with the irresistible invitation to be still and know. He told us - we would not find Him in the mighty wind, the powerful earthquake or the raging fire (I Kings 19:11-12). Instead, we will find Him there in the gentle whisper.
We long, when we suffer greatly and need Him desperately, to see Him move in a powerful, unmistakeable way. Our hearts cry out for Him to be mighty on our behalf - to move mountains and work miracles. He can do all those things; He does all those things. Yet some evenings He quietly whispers His presence into the very heart of us - and we know that all will be well. Whatever the circumstances, however He chooses to move - all will be well.
It is enough to know that He is near.
"Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him." Psalm 62:5
"He says, 'Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10
(Another repost since I don't seem to have words these day.)