I have been in "travel mode" this week, making lists and trying to get myself organized for our up-coming vacation. I apologize for not writing, reading or commenting very much. I have decided to just take a little break and concentrate on what needs to be done here.
We leave on Saturday and will return the following Saturday. We haven't flown in several years, so I'm nervously trying to do everything the way the airlines dictate. We have more to organize than most, with all of my husband's things for his diabetes. Once we get through security, I will breathe a sigh of relief.
This is our first trip to California, not counting the day or so my husband was there waiting to be flown to Vietnam. This will be a lot nicer :-) I am most excited about seeing the Pacific Ocean. I have had a love affair with the Atlantic all my life but have never seen the Pacific. I am longing to see the ocean again. There is something about it that settles my spirit - it reminds me of the infinite power of the Father and makes me feel so small in the grand scheme of things. I want to find a quiet spot, watch the waves roll in and gaze out into the limitless horizon.
I have so many things swirling around in my little brain that I want to get down on "paper", but it will have to wait until I get home. I will think of you when I am there, mentally writing posts to share. Isn't it funny the way we bloggers view so many of the things that happen in our lives with an eye to the post we will write?
For me, it finishes the experience. It is another form of journaling.
Blessings to all of you. If you think of us every now and then, we would appreciate your prayers that all will be well with my parents while we are gone. We have a wonderful son and daughter-in-law who will pick up the mantle and check on them. I am so thankful for them.
With love,