"Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Phillipians 4:6,7
My "Prayer Request List" seems to grow longer as I grow older. Our family has grown from five to fourteen; my circle of friends has expanded in ever-widening circles - like a stone cast into the water - and there are so many over-whelming needs.
But the gentle voice of the Spirit has reminded me of late, that the list of blessings from the hand of a perfect Father far out-numbers the items on my list of requests. When I "make my requests know with THANKSGIVING" there is a peace and a joy that permeates my heart. Suddenly the burden is lighter.
We had the joy of taking our two granddaughters with us for a visit to our son and daughter-in-law and their five children this past weekend. The blessings were numberless. Here are a few:
- the laughter and chatter of cousins
- looking with wonder at my 17 year old granddaughter; seeing God's hand on her life as she blossoms into a lovely young woman
- marathon games of Monopoly with Papa challenging the kids - the screeches and laughter filling the kitchen
- two cousins sitting in the double bed absorbed in their knitting
- brushing soft curls into a pony tail
- little voices calling, "I want to sit by Grandma!"
- hours watching them all swimming and playing games in the community pool, thinking back to the time I was dating my high school sweetheart. How is it possible we are here with this amazing family? Ah - You are so good Father.

- little cousins having a tea party on the back patio

-celebrating Papa's birthday

-trying to blow out those pesky candles that keep relighting! It's a wonder the smoke alarm didn't go off.
- good conversation sitting out on the patio with my daughter-in-law
- knowing that the legacy of faith my parents began carries on in these children - a priceless treasure.
- praying together
- hugs from a 14 year old grandson and the shared laughter as we tease one another
- sweet faces all around the table
- knowing that we will have all of eternity together - I cannot begin to thank Him enough.