"Thank God every day when you get up that you have something to do that day which must be done whether you like it or not. Being forced to work and forced to do your best will breed in you temperance and self control, diligence and strength of will, cheerfulness and content, and a hundred virtues which the idle will never know."
Basil Carpenter
I am late getting this post written because my well planned day took a turn - giving me a job do which I didn't necessarily want to do.
We have had a little leak around the faucet of the kitchen sink. It has gotten progressively worse, but we've checked and nothing was leaking under the sink. So, we thought we would put off replacing the faucet for a bit longer. However, today - after we got home from grocery shopping and had unloaded and put away the groceries, I noticed that it was indeed leaking under the sink. It had, in fact, been leaking for a little while.
So.....unload all that stuff - isn't it amazing the things you find lurking back behind the soaps and brillo pads - and begin the job of scrubbing everything out. I scrubbed and scrubbed with soap, disinfectant and then bleach just for good measure while my husband went to buy a new faucet and sink (he decided we may as well do it right).
I am thankful:
- that we can afford to buy the necessary things. We haven't found sudden wealth; it's just that it's easier to put money aside when the nest is empty.
- for a husband who is so handy and can do the work himself - saving us a great deal of money.
- for this home that is comfortable and houses so many precious memories
- for the shower we had the other day; it gives me hope that some day soon this terrible drought will end.
- for the beautiful flowers on my front porch - they make the whole house look prettier
- for praise music; hands lifted to the Lord; hearts united in worship
- for friends who call and invite me to a luncheon later this week
- for a Father who meets every need with wisdom and abundance.
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