One of my very favorite Gospel singers is the beautiful Janet Paschal. The songs she sings and writes always touch my heart. The best part, for me, is that her life is an expression of her love for the Lord; she's the real deal.
I popped in one of her CDs this morning as I did some work around the house. Every song ministers to me in some way, and this one just makes me feel joyful:
I love mornings when they sparkle, evenings when they shine.
Coffee when it's hot and fresh tomatoes from the vine.
Seasons when they change and memories that stay.
Oh I love today.
I love laughing for no reason, secrets with a friend
Symphonies outdoors and a sultry summer wind.
An eagle when it flies and a holiday parade.
Oh I love today.
I am blessed beyond measure and my kind of treasure
Is more than Rockefeller can buy.
If tomorrow it ended, I'd still recommend it 'cause I've had a wonderful ride.
Won't look back and remember what I'd like to forget
Or worry 'bout the future that isn't here yet, I guess
What I'm really trying to say
I love today.
I love making homemade ice cream on a Sunday afternoon
Crickets in the evening and staring at the moon.
Clever conversation and children when they pray
Oh I love today.
That sums it up for me perfectly. Joy!!
I wish I had been able to find the audio of this song. The tune is just absolutely joyful.