Merry Christmas! Welcome to my blog and my home. I am taking part in the Christmas Tour of Homes this year. It is being hosted by The Nester this year.
This is also my gratitude post for Monday Multitude at Ann's. I am deeply thankful for this home and for the hands that so lovingly fashioned it (my husband built our home) and the dear decorations and furnishings we have grown to love.
Our decorations are very simple. Every year I decide that I am going to go out and by lots of new Christmas decorations, and every year walk away from the stores empty-handed. I just can't seem to find exactly what I'm looking for. So we lovingly put out all the old favorites - most of them handmade and many of them over twenty-five years old.
I made this wreath when my children were little. They have children of their own now. This is the first thing you see when you walk in the front door. Welcome!

We have "down-sized" our tree. It is just the two of us here now, so a little one seemed nice.

This is the dining room. My friend Mary made me the table runner for my birthday.

This little angel came courtesy of my sister. She keeps watch at the kitchen window every Christmas.

Thank you for visiting. I wish for you a blessed Christmas, filled with the joy and peace of His presence.
P.S. If you scroll down to the next post you will see my devotional poem for Laced With Grace. It was my turn to write there today too!