We have had a memory-making few days. For the first time in a long time the whole family (except our sweet daughter who is in Paris) was together in one place. We gathered at Mom and Dad's - four generations of us. As my Dad told his dialysis nurse, "There were fifteen people in my tiny living room, and it didn't seem a bit crowded".
How the Lord blesses. Forty-two years ago, we celebrated our first Christmas together - never dreaming of the precious lives that would fill ours with so much love and joy.

The kids received all of the newest "techno" toys, but the amazing thing was that it was the simple toys they enjoyed the most. This little game, made up only of wooden sticks, was the favorite.
From Great-grandpa;

to Papa;

to Daddy (to some), Uncle Todd (to others);

to grandson. They played for hours. We are nothing if not competitive!

And a coloring book and colors for the two littlest ones.

My heart is full to the brim and running over. I think of all that the world has made of Christmas and realize anew that it is the people - the "more precious than gold" people the Father places in our lives that matter most. We are rich beyond measure because each of these dear hearts belongs to Him. If I had all the money in the world, I would not be able to buy a greater gift than that.
Thank You Father.