"The Lord is my strength and shield.
I trust Him with all my heart.
He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.
I burst out in songs of thanksgiving."
Psalm 28:7 (NLT)
- for the gentle heart that opens this quiet place where we can come and share what the Lord has done in and for us
- for cold, raw days with skies like slate because...
- they open my eyes to the joy of a shaft of sunlight across the kitchen table, my nose to the scent of coffee brewing, and my heart to the warmth and comfort of my home
- a promotion for my son
- answered prayer - it takes me by surprise - not because He isn't able, but rather because I am so undeserving of such love
- a brother slowly making his way back to faith
- a note in the mailbox from a darling granddaughter
- the way worship music cuts across every line and draws us closer to one another and to Jesus
- a new Bible Study - Proverbs 31 in the Light of Jesus - "Because of Jesus" by Connie Witter
"Realize you're already a virtuous woman in Christ"
As always - it is exactly what I need
- the unmatched creativity of the Father

- celebrating my Dad's 90th birthday

For these things and so much more, thank You Father. You fill my life with the joy and peace that can only come from knowing You.
Please visit Ann's and the others who are sharing their thanks.