Sunday, April 25, 2010

Adding a Stone

"In prayer we own Thee, Father, at our side,
Not always feel or taste Thee; and, 't is well,
So hour by hour, courageous faith is tried,
So, gladlier will the morn all mists dispel."
John Keble

"Sometimes we are disturbed because we have no devout feelings; but what we want is a devout will. We cannot always control the imagination, but we can always do that which is our duty carefully and patiently, with a view to pleasing God, and proving our love to Him. We may feel cold and mechanical, but we cannot fulfill our appointed duty without an exercise of the will, and therefore all duties diligently performed testify a desire to love, and prove our love."
H.L. Sidney Lear

A little while ago I wrote this post. Then the Father, with love that touches the deepest places of my heart, slipped this devotional into my morning. Over and over he faithfully, lovingly answers the questions of this doubting heart and draws me to Himself.

On this diamond of a sabbath day, I give thanks and place another stone in remembrance of His faithfulness.


picture: We took the short walk to the grocery store this beautiful morning and bought the "usual" - the newspaper and a my Sunday bouquet.