Monday, May 31, 2010

Peace - tuesdays unwrapped

Jesus promised peace:
"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful."
John 14:27

I understand that the peace He speaks of comes to us through His Spirit. It is not a tangible thing, not something I can hold in my hands and unwrap. But there are some things that do give a substance to that sense of peace. For me it is the country - the simple, quiet comfort of fields, trees, water and open sky. It soothes my soul and brings refreshment.

We celebrated Memorial Day with a ride - exploring country roads we have never traveled and a few that we know well.

It is peach season in the Hill Country. We couldn't resist.

Then we drove past Wildseed Farms. The flowers were simply breathtaking.

and then we followed the road home.

Please join us at Emily's blog for more glimpses of tuesdays unwrapped.

  • Linda