Monday, May 3, 2010

Simple Pleasures

"But be sure to fear the Lord and faithfully serve Him. Think of all the wonderful things He has done for you."
I Samuel 12: 24

There are so many wonderful things He has done for me. My life overflows with His blessings - some so great I can scarce take them in.
Today my heart is focused on the simple things with which He surrounds me - little gifts I can so easily overlook in the busyness of life:

- time to sit and stitch; to make something to warm our home

-flowers from my own little antique rose bush; it has so many little roses this year I felt it would be all right to cut a few and bring them inside to brighten the bookcase.

-a sweet little white pitcher (I just love little pitchers!)

- a place to sit outside, listening to the birds sing and the wind whisper through the trees, and to have an occasional visitor.

- windows wide open, fresh breezes and billowing curtains

- morning walks

- butterflies

- a bowl of chocolate nut ice cream

- talking to a little granddaughter on the phone

- browsing through the book store

- playing the piano

- listening to good music

- the smell of laundry fresh from the dryer

- an old movie

- wild flowers

- a beautiful full moon pouring light through the bedroom windows

- the fresh green color of new leaves

- rainy days

- a bubble bath

- sweetly scented soap

- a new candle

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