These are the two heroes in my life - my husband and my father. My father is a D-Day survivor. He landed on Omaha Beach with the 29th Division (the one portrayed in the movie "Saving Private Ryan") and spent the rest of the war fighting in Europe. My husband and I were privileged to attend the 55th Anniversary celebration of D-Day in France with my Mom and Dad. It was an unforgettable experience. The people of the little villages they liberated honor the veterans as the heroes they are. They cannot do enough for them to show their gratitude.
My husband served in the Army in Vietnam. It was a different time and a vastly different war, but he went with the same attitude and commitment that my Dad did. They both wanted to serve and protect the country they love.
They, and all those who have served and are serving, have my deepest respect and gratitude.
linking this repost from the archives to Emily's imperfect prose.