"For the Mighty One is holy,
and He has done great things for me.
He shows mercy from generation to generation
to all who fear Him."
Luke 1: 49-50
Giving thanks today for:
- the opportunity to serve through music this weekend; our Christmas Program at church was such a blessing
- our annual Christmas Bingo party; time spent with precious friends - great food, lots of talk and laughter, praying together
- Dad's "4 star" report from his dialysis doctor - her very best patient. How we thank you Father.
- the hope, joy and love that permeate this season
- the house all dressed up for the birthday of all birthdays
- houses twinkling with beautiful Christmas lights
- memories of Christmas past
- Christmas music
- a husband who willingly does the grocery shopping for my Mom and Dad while we girls baked cookies
- the gift
I am thankful for all of you - for the beautiful, encouraging, uplifting posts you've been writing. How you bless. You add so much to this Advent season.
linking to Ann's today

I have been feeling that I need to spend less time on-line over the next few weeks. There is that tugging on my heart - urging me to slow down and savor these days. I will still write a bit (because I just need to), but please forgive me if I don't visit and leave comments for just a little while.