Sunday, February 27, 2011

One Thousand Gifts

"O Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. For the LORD is a great God, And a great King above all gods, In whose hand are the depths of the earth; The peaks of the mountains are His also. The sea is His, for it was He who made it; And His hands formed the dry land. Come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker."
Psalm 95: 1-6

The list, corrective lenses that give me clearer vision of Him, continues:

32 - a seagull gliding over the waters of the Gulf

33 - seagulls taking flight

34- soaring into the clear blue sky

35 - Sandpipers racing the waves on tiny legs

- 36 Brother -in-law and sister-in-law strolling down the beach

37 - brothers, spending time together

38- the lovely homes in the historic district of Victoria

39 - cardinal singing for joy on top of a telephone pole
40- the sound of bubbles popping while taking a relaxing hot bubble bath
41- pigeons lining the birdbath, gathering for an early morning drink
42- getting my hair done
43- cows gathered at the watering hole
44- husband's black eye - getting better every day
45- the clouds dispersing to reveal a brilliant sun
46- beautiful ride to Corpus Christi
47- flock of birds circling the cows feeding pen
48- a.c. in the car as we head south and the sun shows his face
49- rays of sunshine slicing through the clouds to earth - glory!
50- bales of hay - like huge spools of golden thread, scattered in the fields
51- the flat land stretching out to the hills
52- husband helping the man in the wheelchair at McDonald's
53- live oaks
54- little white wooden farm houses
55- palm trees swaying gently in the wind
56- crossing the Gulf on the huge bridge
57- the Gulf stretching to the horizon
58- "riding" on the water
59- rich black soil waiting for the plows
60- frightening world events but peace knowing He is in control
61- little abandoned house all falling down; what memories does it shelter
62- waterways through the grasses
63- breakfast outdoors, sitting by the RV
64- water, water, water, as far as the eye can see
65- sweet little cottages
66- first blossoms - tree dressed in white flowers
67- Ocean Drive
68- walk along the ocean front
69- duck diving underwater - fishing
70- diamonds sparkling on the water
71- elegant egrets
72- ferry ride (free!)
73- new leaves wearing that new-born green color
74- hawk perched atop a tree
75- little white and purple wild flowers, delicate harbingers of Spring
76- wonderful teaching on overwhelming grace

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