Friday, July 8, 2011

Five Minute Friday - Grateful

You will want to read Lisa-Jo's post today. It comes to us from her heart and from a place most of us will never get to see. She transports us there with her words and lifts our spirits with her grateful heart.

The word she has chosen for this Five Minute Friday is "Grateful."

There are times when prayer is like a gentle conversation between a child and his loving Father. Other times it is rather routine - sounding to my own ears like a laundry list of wants and wishes. There are those seasons when it seems the cry of my heart never rises beyond the ceiling of my bedroom - the heavens like brass bouncing my words right back into my heart.

We have had a season of prayer that doesn't come often into our lives - a time of desperation, when prayer was a constant conversation with the only One who could help; a time when words simply would not come and the Spirit prayed for us.

Then...the longed for answer came. It came like a miracle - longed for but somehow unexpected because it was so big. And we are more grateful than words can possibly express. It is a gratitude that fills the heart and spills over in tears that course down cheeks.


Perhaps you would like to share your thoughts on "grateful" today. Please join us here
