Thursday, September 1, 2011
Time For a Break
We have begun to count down the days. Soon we will close the door to the home my husband built twenty-eight years ago and walk into a new adventure. We would covet your prayers as we go through these last steps, that all will go well.
In the meantime, there is much to do. I feel as though my rather feeble little brain has somehow turned to jello! It is time to take a break from this place I love and concentrate on the task at hand. I will try to do a bit of writing - because somehow that brings a sense of peace and completeness for me - but I won't have much time to visit and comment.
In a couple of weeks, I should be back to blogging - in a new little temporary home. We are walking through this with a deep sense of gratitude and a complete dependence on the Father who works everything together for good. He is so faithful.
Love to all of you,