My eyes have learned to focus
on the blessings
those that stand in stark relief
against the ordinary every day
and those easily overlooked
the ones that hide in the shadows.
My eyes have learned to see
through tears and shattered dreams
to find the blessing hidden
under the heavy pile of
hurts and disappointments
of fear and doubt
of loneliness and despair.
But what of those moments
when the little annoyances
the petty grievances
the little stings of envy
the perceived injustices
cloud my vision?
Can I see through anger and
hurt feelings to the blessings within?
It is true
I have learned to give thanks
in the little and the big.
Help me, Lord,
to have eyes to see the blessing
in the in-between moments
those moments I choose to
look away and see only self
those moments when
my feelings blur my vision
and I cannot see You.
linking to Em's imperfect prose today