We saw evil's awful power on display long before our world began. It reared its ugly head and angels fell from heaven. It has been with us ever since.
It slithered into Paradise and set a chain of events into motion that would ultimately cost the Son of God His very life. It flexed its muscles when one brother murdered another and then boldly walked into every phase of human history.
It has taken mankind to unimaginable depths. We read of its dark journey on the pages of scripture. History is replete with its malicious deeds. It thumbs its haughty nose and walks into our homes in a myriad of seemingly innocent ways - seeking to satisfy an insatiable appetite for power.
Evil has had its victories, but when that One came to redeem what it sought to destroy, the war was over. His death and resurrection sealed evil's fate, but it battles, in its death throes, to take all the territory it can.
We have a Savior who has not only won the victory for us, but He gives us everything we need to fight the battle with evil we all face. Most of us don't see it in its vilest form, but it is there just below the surface of our neat and tidy lives.
I have been doing some writing for an organization that confronts some of the very worst of evil's handiwork. It is called Freedom Youth Project and is an anti human trafficking organization. You can read about their work here at their website. The enormity of this evil is overwhelming. They are working to help the victims of this horrific crime.
My part is a small one. They are developing a website to inform both youth and parents about the dangers. I am given one of the true stories of a rescued victim of human trafficking. I then rewrite that story in the first person - giving them a voice that serves to warn others. The stories are not easy to read. Evil is never pretty when exposed to the light, but it doesn't thrive when it is.
They are looking for writers. Might you pray about it and see if it is something the Lord would have you do? You will find a form on their website where you can volunteer (just click the volunteer button at the top of the page). Please pray for this organization and others who are doing this good work. Especially pray for those who have been and still are victims of this horrific crime.
Thank you so much.
"Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good."
Romans 12:21
Linking to Emily's imperfect prose today.
With love,