Monday, March 25, 2013
I had a post all planned for today.......I have finally learned, after more than six decades of living, that things rarely go according to plan. Our 14 year old granddaughter, Lauren, was hit in the face with a golf club during her P.E. class today. Her jaw is broken (it is a bad break all along her lower left jaw-line), and she will be having surgery late tomorrow morning. The doctor will put in two metal plates, and she will be on a liquid diet for six weeks.
It is shocking news, and we feel so awful for her - but when we think of what could have happened we are profoundly grateful. We would so appreciate your prayers for her, for the surgeon and his team and for the family. Her little sister is so close to her. I know her tender heart is hurting for the sister she adores.
We truly never know what a day will bring. What peace to know we have a Father who does. He walks into our days before we ever take one step, supplying grace and strength to face the unknown. We are resting in Him today and trusting Him for tomorrow.
Our daughter is here from Paris, and we are overjoyed to have her with us for a couple of weeks. We'll get to celebrate Easter with her and the rest of the gang (All except the Dallas contingent. Our other granddaughter is having her wisdom teeth pulled Thursday morning, and they felt it the better part of wisdom not to travel so soon afterwards.). We will miss them.
If I don't have another chance to write, I wish you a joyous Easter. We are of all people most blessed. He is risen - our hope, our joy, our peace, our life - Jesus Christ our Lord.