Thursday, August 29, 2013
12 Things I Learned in August (while walking in the mall)
This picture has absolutely nothing to do with the things I learned in August - however I forgot to take a picture while we were in the mall today. And I really feel I cannot publish a post without a picture.
It's hard to believe August is already drawing to a close. The best part of that is we get to write about the things we learned over the course of the month.
This time I learned everything while walking in the Mall. My husband's post-op therapy is walking. After his back surgery the instructions were: walk, walk, walk. Since August in our part of the country still means triple digit temperatures, we decided to move our walk inside.
Truthfully it is excruciatingly boring walking the same circular path over and over again. However if you use just a bit of imagination you can learn all sorts of new and interesting things.
Hence: 12 Things I Learned in August (while walking in the Mall).
1 - It is possible for something to smell too sweet - even to this chocoholic. The smell emanating from the name brand ice cream store could put you off ice cream forever.
2 - Working at a kiosk is without a doubt one of the most boring jobs in the universe - especially if you're selling remote control cars.
3 - I had forgotten (how could I forget?) that a toddler can go from smiles to hysterics faster than the speed of light when denied the object of his or her little desire.
4 - There is an actual place where they do something with strings on your face. I'm sure I'm way behind the times on this one, but I have yet to figure out exactly what the strings do. I keep trying to time my walk so I'll be strolling past when one of the infrequent clients comes out, but no luck so far. Have you heard of this?
5 - There is a framed "Code of Conduct" by one of the entrances. From what I've been able to observe no one bothers to read it. Especially the part about modest attire.
6 - There are coin massage chairs strategically placed at either end of this unpretentious mall. They are deeply appreciated by small boys and older men.
7 - According to my studied observation, the vast majority of models are either angry or in pain.
8 - Cell phones are the universal accessory. They are especially essential to bored kiosk clerks and the ladies who work in that string place.
9 - I have been trying my "smile ministry" but it has become increasingly difficult to make eye contact. I'm kind of sad about that, but I keep trying.
10- There are unsung, nearly invisible heroes in the Mall - the gentle folk who empty trash cans, dust floors and pick up after us. Faithfully, day after day.
11 -I've noticed a very strange looking guy sashaying around the mall. I'm pretty sure he's some sort of serial killer. Not to worry. I'm keeping an eye on him.
12- The most beautiful image of true love is not those picture-perfect models. It is an elderly couple strolling arm in arm.
What did you learn this month? Come on over to Emily's Chatting At The Sky on Friday and share.