Lisa-Jo's email popped into my inbox. I glanced quickly at the word, clicked over to her blog and never realized that in my haste I read the word incorrectly. I saw "lovely." The word is "lonely."
Somehow I can't transition from lovely to lonely. The chorus from my childhood has been running through my mind:
"Altogether lovely. He is altogether lovely
And the fairest of ten thousand
This wonderful Friend divine.
He gave His life to safe me
Now He lives in heav'n to keep me
He is altogether lovely,
Is this wonderful Savior of mine."
Wendell P. Loveless
I thought of how those words of that simple song have forever changed my perception of lovely. It isn't the beautiful images on a screen or in magazines that come to mind. It is everything set against the backdrop of who He is.
Perhaps there is some connection to lonely after all. He can fill in the empty spaces of our lives with His presence, bringing peace and comfort when all the world seems dark. He is a friend who never leaves us - not even when we are tiresome or quite unlovely. His promises bring hope to those who have lost everything.
He is altogether lovely - in times of great joy and in times when we feel so very alone.
Joining the Five Minute Friday community at Lisa-Jo's (By the way, her post is absolutely lovely!)

Blessings dear friends,