Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Love Idol
Dear Lord,
Here we are at the beginning of the Lenten season again. Although it wasn't something I understood until just a few years ago, it has become a special time for me.
You've seen what Jennifer is doing. I read about it the other day, and it spoke to my heart. But it's a busy time for me, and I thought I would just read her book and let the others join the movement she's started.
You had other plans. I've come to know your plans are infinitely better than mine. Besides, it's just about impossible to ignore that still, small voice.
So here I am. I need to identify the love idol in my life and allow You to sweep it out of my heart. I don't need to spend a lot of time pondering and digging deep. I know what that idol is. After all, You have been working with me on this one for a very long time.
I believe I'm making progress, but just maybe this is the time to banish it once and for all.
It's time to stop:
• worrying about what others think of me
• comparing myself to others and always falling short
• lying in bed at night rehashing every encounter and conversation
• allowing discouragement to keep me from doing the things You've called me to do
• trying to be all things to all people
• feeling as though I am constantly letting You down
• laboring under the weight of the shame and guilt of things past
It's time to stop trying so hard to win the "approval of others." It's time to know, deep down in my heart of hearts, that I am PREAPPROVED by You.
It's time to stop trying to be a good girl and know I am already perfect in Your eyes. You gave me that priceless gift when You gave Your Son to die for me.
I'm surrendering that idol, Father. I'm accepting Your grace and love. With it comes the freedom to trust You in all things and to be all You created me to be. And best of all, the knowledge that You approve of me. What could be better than that?
With love,
Your Daughter
Please go here to read about the movement Jennifer has started. Perhaps there's something you know you need to let go of. Sometimes it's a little easier knowing you're in very good company.