"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."
John 14:27
Before He returned to heaven, Jesus promised He would give us a gift. The gift could not be wrapped in pretty paper and tied with a bow. It couldn't be held or seen. But it's worth was so great it could never be measured. He promised us peace.
He didn't promise there would be no more suffering in this life; no more wars or sorrow or injustice. He simply promised a tranquility of heart in the midst of all those difficulties.
I've known this inexplicable tranquility of heart - an inward knowing that all would be well, even when a storm raged around me. It is a gentle miracle.
But there are days I need to be able to touch peace - to shut out the noise and bustle and give it substance.
So I step out my door and stand still. I feel the breeze on my skin. I look over the fields and watch the trees dance. My soul breathes.
Sometimes there are quiet little friends with big ears and eyes filled with wonder.
As the day folds into night, the sky declares His glory.
Every once in a while, I step onto sand and walk into the ocean. My heart expands with the immensity of it. He is there - in the sky and the illimitable sea. I feel peace seep into my heart.
The extraordinary, simple moments when peace takes form, and I press the gift close.
Joining my friend Laura for Playdates with God
