Saturday, December 13, 2014
Advent - Days 12,13,14
Advent - Day 13, and I haven't written all that I would have liked. Some days are so full, and there is either no time to write - or I am, admittedly, too weary. But I've been reading and storing the words in my heart.
Over the past couple of days, Ann has turned our hearts toward looking for the small miracles in our every day and urging us to see with God's eyes.
This Christmas season has been an unusual one for us. Circumstances we didn't foresee have crowded our days. I am looking for Him and longing to journey through this season focused on Him.
In His lovely, loving, surprising way, the Father slipped a little miracle into my morning. I think perhaps it wasn't just for me. I'd like to share it with you this weekend. Those of you who are struggling with difficult circumstances or just plain struggling. This time of year can be just as filled with heartache and sorrow for some as it is filled with joy for others.
I woke feeling just a bit "under" the circumstances. I asked the Father to draw me close to Him; to let me rest in Him. I opened my little devotional and read these words:
"Be still and Know that I am God. Your life has been tumultuous recently - full of change and new responsibilities (Oh yes, Lord.). You have continued to spend time alone with Me, but you've found it hard to really be still and focus on Me. You need to set aside time for listening to Me - blocking out distractions and reconnecting with Me in the depths of your soul. Without this focused time in My Presence, your soul will become malnourished. Other people may not notice, but you can tell the difference. Of course, I notice the difference even before you do. I can see the neediness within you - needs that only I can meet.
As you pour yourself into listening to Me, I want you to experience My delight in you. I see you as you truly are: My beloved child, gloriously clothed in My righteousness. Open your arms and your heart - to receive My delight in full measure. The Light of My Love is shining upon you. Be still in this holy Light, resting in the assurance of My unfailing Love."
Jesus Today
Sarah Young
Have a blessed, restful weekend dear friends.
Our Christmas Program is this weekend. I'll be away until Monday.