Monday, December 15, 2014
Advent - Day 15
It is day 15 already. I want to slow time - or perhaps add a few hours to my day so that I can find a quiet corner and still my heart.
"We were made to worship…" Ann writes. There is always and inevitably a god we will bow down to. If we don't choose God, we will choose something else - and that something else will make its demands. We will work hard to serve it - to be worthy - to fit in - to be accepted.
"What emotions are evoked in you when you realize that God doesn't expect you to perform for Him - that He has already given you everything?" Ann asks.
Think of the freedom of knowing there isn't one single thing you have to do to receive everything God has for you. You breathe deeply and inhale peace.
Doesn't your heart fill with gratitude knowing He loves you just the way you are? You don't have to look a certain way, out-perform the competition, or live with a load of guilt. There is no reason for envy or comparison. You are His - unique, accepted, loved.
How can you not love Him? He loves you so much.