God is a God of many names. Elohim – powerful God; El Elyon – God Most High; El Shaddai – Almighty God; Jehovah Rophe – The Lord Heals; Jehovah Rohi – The Lord is My shepherd; Jehovah Shammah – The Lord is There (to name a few). Each name reveals a different part of who He is. Whatever the circumstance, He is all-sufficient. He can meet every need.
I have found, as we’ve walked through some difficult times, that although I am in need of those names, there is one my heart cries more than any other. Abba – Father.
Many years ago, I knew an elderly man. He had pastored for years and still preached on ocassion though well past the age of retirement. He was a giant of man – both in stature and faith, with a loving heart. He drew me in. Whenever he wasn’t serving in another place, and I spotted him sitting toward the back of our church, I would make my way to him as quickly as I could….
I'm writing at Laced With Grace today. I'll meet you over there if you'd like to join me. Thank you so much.