Thursday, August 6, 2015

Our Suffering Savior

“…The Word has nail-scarred hands that cup our face close, wipe away the tears running down, has eyes to look deep into our brimming ache, and whisper, ‘I know. I know.’” (“Reflections From One Thousand Gifts” – Ann Voskamp)
I closed the small devotional – the words going deep. I thought about the suffering Savior – His unimaginable pain as He hung on a cross, separated from His Father, crushed beneath the immeasurable weight of the sin of the world. Then the miracle of His resurrection and His ascent back to heaven. I pictured Him, as best I could, seated on a throne at the right hand of His Father. His suffering ended. Or had it?

Please join me at Laced With Grace today to read the rest of this little devotional.
