Monday, August 31, 2009

Joy Challenge - Day Nine - Moody

I should have know when I began this, that inevitably I would come smack up against the fact that the Lord had a little something He wanted to bring to my attention about joy as it related to me.

I think of myself as one of those people who sees the glass half-full; who can't stay angry long; who is basically a happy person. However, the Lord has gently pointed out the fact that I can sometimes be rather - er - moody. Today is a case in point. I am a bit out of sorts. I don't know why. I just am. Suddenly life is not as sunny as I would like it to be. I feel sort of dissatisfied. No reason - it all just looks so blah. So I feel rather touchy about the whole thing.

The problem is, I've started this Joy Challenge thing, and I have to write something about joy. Hmmm...... I thought about faking it and writing about how nice it is that the weather is cooler, how sweet the flowers in the front of the house look since that rain shower, how cute the birds look taking their baths and drinking from the bird bath. Those things are all true - but it isn't true that I am feeling joyful.

So...what to write, I ask myself. No answer from that quarter.

"What do You want me to write Lord?"

"What is it that gives you the kind of joy I've taught you about Linda? Is there joy somewhere under all that moodiness that wants to bubble to the surface? What is the bedrock source of your joy?"

"You know Lord. It is all those things I've already written about."

"Could you be more specific? Just sum it up for Me."

"I'm afraid I won't say the right thing Lord, but for me the bedrock of joy in my life is knowing that You will never change."

"Even if life doesn't look as sunny as you would like it?"

"Yes Lord, even then."


"Because I know that no matter what I'm feeling it doesn't change who You are. You are my life, my hope, my future, my joy. You are everything You have promised to be. You never break Your promises."

"Feeling better daughter?"

"Yes Lord - joyful in fact. Thank You."

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever."
Hebrews 13:8
