Ann writes : "Every Wednesday, we Walk with Him, posting a spiritual practice that draws us nearer to His heart. "
Today that spiritual practice is scripture memorization. I had fallen into the habit of thinking that I simply couldn't memorize very well any more. After over six decades, this little brain is just not as nimble as it used to be. As a young girl I could, and did, memorize whole chapters of scripture for our girl's club in church and for sunday school. However, those days, I thought, were long behind me.
Then at the beginning of the year, Beth Moore challenged us to learn a verse of scripture every two weeks. Hmm.....that, I reasoned, might possibly be doable. She gave us little tips to help us memorize more easily. The one that helped me the most was writing the verses out on index cards and carrying them with me.
I bought this little spiral book of index cards and recorded my first verses : Matthew 11: 28-30

I began carrying the cards with me on my morning walks. I practiced saying the verses over and over as I ambled along on our three mile walk. Before I knew it, I was actually remembering the verses.
As the months passed, my little book filled with more and more verses. To this date I've actually memorized over twenty-one verses (some weeks I tackle more than one verse). I am totally amazed!

The best part isn't that I can actually remember something. The best part is the way those verses have ministered to me over these past ten months. Invariably, they exactly fit whatever it is I am going through. It has been such a blessing. It never fails; when we are obedient to the things the Father asks us to do He blesses us more than we could have ever imagined. It is an absolute truth that the Word of God is living and powerful. I am indeed filled with joy as I hide His Word in my heart.
Please visit Ann and read her beautiful blog and the other blogs participating in this. You'll be blessed.