Wednesday, April 27, 2011
An Unseen Gift
The wedding is just a week away. My mind is filled with so many things as we get ready to release the last little "fledgling" from the nest. One of those things has to do with a gift - something special and meaningful that transcends monetary worth.
I have an idea or two, but as I thought about it today I knew there was one gift that I want to give her above any other. It is the same one I longed to give her brothers when they too stepped into a new life. Unfortunately it is one I cannot give; it is one they must choose to take for themselves.
I want, more than anything, to give her a faith that runs true and deep; a love for the Father that grows with every passing moment; an insatiable hunger and thirst for His word. I know that she knows and loves Him. I want so much more for her.
My own Mother gave me so much. I cannot think of a thing that was lacking. But she could not give me her faith. I had to make faith my own - to decide if these beliefs were mine. I remember a time in my adult life when I called into question the things I had believed since my earliest memory.
We can teach our children about Him. We can model faith for them. We can give them every opportunity to learn and grow in wisdom and grace, but the time will come when they have to make it their own. Then our gift becomes a prayer; a prayer that the Father will hold them tightly in His hand and draw them ever closer to Himself; a prayer wrapped in all the love we have.
Linking to Emily's imperfect prose