Friday comes quickly, and it is time for another Five Minute prompt. Today's is "relevant," and I find I'm struggling a bit with this one - worried about getting the definition just right. I will just go with what has popped into my little brain and hope for the best.
There was a time in my life, okay there are still times in my life, where being relevant was so important to me. Being accepted and part of the "right" group was high on the list of priorities. It was, too often, the way I judged my own self-worth. I needed to wear the right things, say the right things, read the right things - be included in all the right things.
I am of an age now where that matters less and less. I am learning to number the days, the hours, the minutes - trying to make them relevant in the way I live them out. More and more I want to be relevant in His eyes - to switch my focus from me to Him - to find my worth in what He deems relevant.
It is easy to slip back into the old patterns - to look around at what others are doing, where they're going, what they're saying and want to be part of it all. It is sometimes hard to find contentment in less until I begin to realize that the less is more.
"He who has found his life shall lose it, and he who has lost His life for my sake shall find it."
Matt. 10:39
I am praying for that sort of relevance.
Linking to the Gypsy Mama - Lisa-Jo