Time for Five-Minute Friday. Lisa-Jo's. word this week is:
I confess that I stumbled a bit over this word - grit. In fact, I closed up the lap top and walked away thinking I might just take a pass today.
I got out the cleaning stuff - the dust cloth, mop, broom, cleaners - and proceeded to give our little apartment a thorough cleaning. I am always amazed at how much dust and dirt can collect in such a short time and in such a small space.
I was determined to get the floors really clean this week. First I swept; then I went over them with the dry cleaning cloth and finished up with the wet one. I felt quite pleased with my efforts until I bend down, with my glasses on, to examine a spot on the living room floor.
Unbelievable! Not just one little spot, but all sorts of dirty things I had somehow missed in my exuberant cleaning. I truly believed I had achieved a spotless floor.
Then that little voice piped up - the one that nudges my heart. "Think how different it is when the Father cleans your heart Linda. He doesn't miss even the tiniest of sins. All is made clean by the blood of Jesus - all. No closer examination will reveal one little tiny piece of grit left behind."
What a feeling of peace and joy - to know that I am perfectly clean.
Isaiah 1:18
“Come now, let’s settle this,”
says the LORD.
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
I will make them as white as snow.
Though they are red like crimson,
I will make them as white as wool.
If you would like to take up the challenge of writing on this one little word for five minutes, please join us at Lisa-Jo's